2006年经董事会决议,决定降低人力密集工业项目经营,转型高新农业,元升集团秉承过去对园艺产品经营优势,并扩充引进台湾农林园艺高端人才,主要经营生态观光休闲旅游,以及樱花、茶花、风铃木、油橄榄等高新农业种植。 元升集团作为庭院户外花园产品业的知名国际品牌,在其国际化的实践及R&D核心研发中,积累了丰富的经验。集团拥有一支由中国内地、台湾地区及欧美国家的高端人才团队。对将来提升项目的高度有巨大的优势。
景观树(樱花、茶花、风铃木等)研发、育苗、种植、苗木销售,主题景区打造。 国家储备林,杜仲产业的研发、育苗、种植、苗木销售、深加工。油橄榄育苗、种植、榨油加工、橄榄油销售。
The Peaktop Group was established in 1991 in Hong Kong. The Group’s principal shareholders are mainly from Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong.
The Peaktop Group is a new technology enterprise that focuses on the advanced agricultural and landscaping plant business using the latest technology, research, design, production, sales, and services. Our company employs leading agricultural and landscape plantation experts and management from Taiwan and other international countries such as the US, Spain, and Italy. Our advanced technology, scientific quality management system, competent research teams, comprehensive services, and strong sales teams ensure that we remain at the forefront and in the leading position in this highly competitive industry.
Our main plantations are located in Shanwei-Guangdong, Conghua-Guangdong, Yingtan-Jiangxi, and Xichang-Sichuan.